Everything is in everything
Marts 03, 2015
Studsgade 46
19:30 – 22:00
Deltagere: 9
Introduktion: Philip Matesic
Det er en stor fornøjelse at indlede platformen "Teoretiske Tirsdage" v. kunstner og lektor Philip Matesic, grundlægger og koordinator af det Zürich–baserede projekt Theory Tuesdays. Matesic har i anledningen valgt at præsentere to essays der i direkte forstand relaterer sig til kernekoncepterne bag den igangværende schweiziske platform.
Introduktion til teksterne ses nedenfor.
The first essay, "Communist Education" by Jan Voelker is an essay from the anthology Everything Is In Everything: Jacques Rancière Between Intellectual Emancipation and Aesthetic Education in Smith, Jason & Weisser, Annette (ed.) 2011. This essay addresses issues of spectatorship, participation and a horizontal form of education using historical references to Joseph Jacotot by Jacques Rancière.
The second essay, “No Longer Normal: Critical Exchanges In The Landscape Of Art” by Ted Purves and Shane Aslan Selzer is a text from the second edition of the book What We Want Is Free: Critical Exchanges In Recent Art 2014. "No Longer Normal" addresses contemporary issues related to economy and exchange in art and a everyday context.